Since the end of 2006, AFJN has been actively involved in CGA. Our Executive Director, Rocco Puopolo, s.x., sits on the Coalition’s Executive Committee and AFJN acts as CGA’s fiscal sponsor. Together with over thirty international organizations, we have built a coalition to stop the violence in DR Congo.
As we watched the crises in Darfur and northern Uganda gain worldwide attention, we began to wonder why a war that has seen the deaths of nearly five million individuals has remained absent from the radar of the international community. MONUC, the UN mission in Congo, has proved largely ineffective; the hailed elections of 2006 produced no significant change in the stability of the region; and General Laurent Nkunda, backed by the Rwandan government, has begun a crusade of violence against the people of Eastern DRC.
Unfortunately, the November Conference and Lobby Day needs to be postponed to ensure more effective outcomes. To those of you who have already made plans to attend, we must apologize for this schedule change. Please continue to check the AFJN website as well as the CGA website for updates. Again, our sincere apologies and thank you for your interest in CGA.
In the meantime, we must act now. Please visit Congo Global Action’s website at to find out how you can advocate on a local level before the nationwide conference. The momentum to establish peace and justice must continue.