About Us
The Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) is a community of advocates for responsible United States (US) relations with Africa. AFJN stresses issues of peace building, human rights, and social justice that tie directly into Catholic Social Teaching. AFJN works closely with Catholic missionary congregations and numerous Africa-focused coalitions of all persuasions to advocate for US economic and political policies that will benefit Africa’s poor majority, facilitate an end to armed conflict, establish equitable trade and investment with Africa and promote sustainable development. AFJN engages members of both the Legislative and Executive Branches of the US Government, African Diplomatic Corps, religious leaders, and the US public on various important issues affecting Africans to advance our message of social justice.
AFJN acts as a voice to inform and motivate people to take action in their local communities and internationally. We work closely with many constituents on the ground all over Africa as well as with individuals and congregations in the US. We are also registered as a UN-DPI organization at the United Nations.
As a 501(c)3 organization, AFJN relies on membership, grants, and donations from supporters for our operations and programs. Many of our organizational members are Catholic missionary communities in the US and Africa. We are an extension of missionary witness in the difficult yet important arena of US political decisions that affect African people.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Inspired by the Gospel and informed by Catholic Social Teaching, the Africa Faith and Justice Network seeks to educate and advocate for just Africa-US relations that empower Africans to be agents of their own destiny, thriving in a just and equitable society.
African Countries
Organizational Members
Focus Campaigns
Since 1983
Advocating for Just
US-Africa Policy

In 1983, the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans), the Missionaries of Africa, and the Society of African Missions, founded the AFJN. These three Catholic Missionary congregations, moved to action by their personal experiences in Africa, wanted to transform US policy towards Africa and her people. Their approach was two-fold: to advocate, in faith, in the nation’s Capitol for US relations with Africa that foster justice and peace; and to educate the US public about Africa and her truths. As a Catholic nonprofit organization, AFJN’s purpose is to approach policy from a faith perspective, in a spirit of solidarity and justice, with the people of Africa.
In 1989, AFJN was incorporated in Washington, DC as a Catholic religious non-profit organization under the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) IRS group ruling and continues to remain in good standing under the USCCB and be listed in the Official Catholic Directory.
AFJN is supported financially by members who recognize the need to advocate for justice in Africa. There are four different membership types: individual, supporting organizational, diocesan, and organizational.
The ministry of AFJN is needed today more than it was in 1983. The increasing connectedness of Africa with the world and especially to the global marketplaces, makes AFJN’s mission more imperative.
Focus Projects

ORganizing in the US and Africa
Ways to Get Involved
Grassroots Organizing and Advocacy
Spreading knowledge and gaining widespread support is so important to changing mindsets and influencing our policymakers. You can attend or host an event to raise awareness and educate your community on situations in Africa that need our attention. Sign petitions, write letters to your government officials and show them you care about Africa.
Grassroots Organizing and Advocacy
Spreading knowledge and gaining widespread support is so important to changing mindsets and influencing our policymakers. You can attend or host an event to raise awareness and educate your community on situations in Africa that need our attention. Sign petitions, write letters to your government officials and show them you care about Africa.
Individual and Congregational Membership
Both individuals and congregations are important to spreading our mission and supporting the work we do – in fact, we cannot do it without you! Members are kept up-to-date on our happenings, receive our electronic communications, and participate in our annual meeting.
Political Advocacy
While community based organizing is very important, there are other barriers that prevent the spread of justice. We focus on advocating for policy changes in our government that support a more just and peaceful world by meeting with government officials and pushing for resolutions and actions on specific issues that need our attention.
Be Informed and Empowered
The more you know, the better informed you will be to speak out and stand up for justice. AFJN hosts events and webinars, produces electronic mailings and videos about relevant issues that are concerning Africa. Be informed by signing up for our eNetwork, follow us on social media, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.