Get Involved

Sign up to receive emails! The best way to get involved is to sign up for the AFJN eNetwork. Every couple of weeks you’ll receive news, action alerts, and AFJN updates. Through our periodic communication with you, we can strengthen the network to create peace and justice in Africa.

Write letters and sign petitions! When we send you an action alert, do it!Trust us, we know how to best influence our policymakers and when we take action, we expect you to come with us!

Communicate with Congress! Your members of Congress are employed by YOU. You evaluate them, you elect them, and you have the power to tell them what you believe they should do. Read up on AFJN’s focus issues and write, email, or call your Representative and your Senators. Better yet, schedule a visit with his or her office in your district!

Build an advocacy network in your community! Click here to read our “Making a Difference at Home” document to find out how you can be an influential voice for peace and justice wherever you live.

Are you a student? Check out our full student Advocacy Toolkit and organize your own branch of AFJN activities!

10 Simple Steps for Putting Your Faith Into Action!

1) Receive the latest news and alerts! Signup for the AFJN eNetwork to receive periodic messages that will include personal reflections, issue analyses, and ways you can most effectively help. And invite a friend to do the same!

2) Learning leads to doing: Whether by watching a movie, reading our website, or downloading our “Walking with the Peoples of Africa issue resource guide, learning more is always a good place to start.

3) God listens to prayer: Include the people of Africa in your prayers, and pray that we in the United States may be agents of justice and solidarity with all of our global brothers and sisters. Or organize a prayer vigil for a specific issue or place in Africa.

4) Together is better: Recruit a handful of friends in your church, school, or community to begin meeting and discussing how you can discern, organize events, fundraise, and advocate within your own community. Or incorporate AFJN’s resources into an existing group!

5) Speak Truth to power: Lobby elected officials by writing letters to U.S. policymakers, visiting their offices, and sending editorials to your local newspaper about issues facing people in Africa. Invite others to join!

6) Start somewhere: Pick one of AFJN’s focus issues, read up on it, and become a faith-filled activist with a specific mission.

7) Tithe for justice: Consider sending AFJN part of your regular tithing to help us accomplish our mission.

8) People who go there, know there: Find and invite someone from your community with experience in Africa to speak about its unique strengths and needs.

9) We are what we (consume): On a very personal level, it is important to discern how to live out Gospel values of simplicity and solidarity with the poor in our everyday lives.

10) Don’t be afraid to ask: Feel free to contact our office to speak with staff to get ideas or gain support for an initiative of your own!

Our faith calls us to speak out against injustice and to shape a more caring and peaceful world. By working together and in solidarity with those we serve, we are working to build the Kingdom, as Jesus called us to do.

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