Land Grabbing Research, Awareness and Prevention in Ghana’s Volta Region is a project of the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) funded by two Catholic religious congregations: The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and The Adorers of the Blood of Christ. The outstanding success of this project was in part made possible by our local partners: Fr. Miachael Ojagba, parish priest of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Nkwanta, the Catechists from the communities we visited, and the Paramount Chief of Trubo Traditional area, NanaTedibo Kowura Odamba II in collaboration with the community’s elders and members of Brewaniase landowners committee. Click here to read an article on this trip.
Below is a photo album showing seven community awareness forums we held, our visit of Volta Red’s palm oil plantation which was previously owned by Herakles Farms. At the end we have pictures of the meetings with Volta Red’s Mill Manager, Mr. Ste Hicks. Click on individual pictures for details.
Prevention and Awareness Meeting in Brewaniase 09/25/2014
Paramount Chief of Trubo Traditional area, NanaTedibo Kowura Odamba II and the village chiefs from his area.
Two Events on 8/28: A meeting with the chiefs (men and women) in Asukawkaw and a presentation at the General Assembly of Nkwanta South District leaders.
In the center is Nana Odam Gyamfi III, Cheif of Akroso-Asukawkaw traditional area, left and right are eleders and in the back in AFJN's staff Melaura Homan-Smith and Jacques Bahati
Second from right is Nana Odam Gyamfi III, Cheif of Akroso-Asukawkaw traditional area and the rest are elders and two queen Mothers (Femal Chiefs)
Meeting in Damanko 08/29/2014
Jacques Bahati, AFJN's Policy Analyst standing with translator from English into Twi language.
Prevention and Awareness Meeting in Damanko 08/29
Prevention and Awareness Meeting in Damanko 08/29
Meeting in Passa 08/29/2014
Meeting in Nyambong 08/31/2014
Visit of the Palm Plantation in Fankyinikor 08/27/2014
On the left is Mr. Nicholas Fato, one of the managers of the plantation and the person who initially brought Herakles Farms to the area, but resigned because of management issues.
The Hills in the horizon are in the Republic of Togo
Meeting with Volta Red’s Mill Manager Mr. Steve Hicks in Ahamansu 08/30/2014
Jacques Bahati, Steve Hicks, Melaura Homan-Smith and Mr. Kofibi Johannes (Secretary of landowners Committee)
Meeting with Mr. Steve Hicks at the Pail Oil Mill in Ahamansu.The discussion included: our concerns about land grabs in general, how Volta Red got interested in Palm Oil plantation in Ghana, the behavior of Herakles Farms in acquiring the land which is now owned by Volta Red, the respect of workers human rights, job creation, the benefit of Volta Red’s investment to the community, the relevance of the social programs they inherited from Herakles Farms which they are reexamining, Volta Red’s concerns about negative consequences as a result of the awareness forum we held in Brewaniasie for not only the people whose land was leased, but also the general population some of whom work for Volta Red, proposal to ensure the people of Brewaniase and surrounding communities are stakeholders in the Palm Oil plantation investment on their ancestral land.
Steve Hicks showing the Some parts of the Palm Oil Mill