Meet AFJN’s Past Interns!

Internship Application
Applications, cover letters, writing samples, and resumes must be submitted online and emailed to
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Applications for school credit internships must be received no less than a month prior to (call for exceptions 202-817-3670) the beginning of the semester.
Interns are not paid, but daily transportation costs will be covered.
Intern responsibilities vary according to each candidates’ abilities and interests.
Past interns were given tasks that include: issue research and analysis, direct advocacy, writing for AFJN website, social media and newsletters, attending in-person and online meetings and conferences, database entry, website maintenance, and event organizing.
Candidates must complete the online form, submit a coverletter, writing sample and resume, both online and emailed to
Email Jacquest Bahati for more information at
Oluwakemi Adedoyin, AFJN Summer Intern

Kemi is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She majored in Political Science with a concentration in Intenrational Affairs and a minor in French. She will begin her master’s program in International Development Studies at The George Washington University in the fall
In her junior year, she studied abroad in a five week program in London, England with one of her department’s professors. There she discussed the parliamentary system and had the opportunity to meet with welsh, Irish, and Conservative MPs.
Kemi’s interest in African – American politics was strengthened through class research about woman’s rights and a docu-series Half the Sky. During her summer 2024 internship for the Africa Faith and Justice Network, Kemi is most interested in learning about the anti- trafficking work being done in the women’s empowerment focus campaign.