Africa and Justice: Justice IN and FOR Africa

Surely, should we not really speak of “Africas” in the plural? Such a huge Continent, comprising over 700 million people living in over 50 countries. When I was travelling from Zambia last week to come to the USA to offer presentations like the one I am offering this...

What About Chad?

A landlocked country located in Central Africa, the Republic of Chad is often referred to as the “Dead Heart of Africa” due to its distance from the sea and its largely desert climate. Chad is not only one of the poorest and one of the most corrupt countries in the...

Register Today!

Africa Faith and Justice Network with the Center of Concern 2010 Conference & Lobby day. Justice in Africa: On Whose Terms? Keynote Speaker: Fr. Peter Henriot, S.J. Saturday April 17 & Sunday April 18, with Monday, April 19 Lobby day This year’s Conference...

2010 Conference Scholarships for Students!

We are pleased to announce that we have received funding to cover scholarships for students interested in attending Africa Faith and Justice Network’s upcoming conference – “Justice in Africa: On Whose Terms?” April 17 & 19th in Rosslyn...

Rwandan Policy in DRC

This is an excerpt of AFJN’s November 2009 Paper on the RDC (download PDF Vesrion of the paper here) Posted on Feb 12, 2010 While the Rwandan government is pressing hard for the return of the Hutu refugees, it is planning to illegally release more of its...

Climate Change: What About the Displaced?

Already, as a result of climate change, at least 18 islands have been submerged worldwide. These include Lohachara Island in India, Bedford, Kabasgadi and Suparibhanga Island near India. Other islands are at risk of being submerged. They include Bangladesh’s Bhola...