AFJN Adopts Three New Focus Issues

Each year, the AFJN Staff and Board take some time to consider the major issues arising in the continent of Africa and subsequently choose new focus campaigns. For the past couple of years, AFJN has been devoted almost entirely to raising awareness of the war in...

Global Climate Change, Global Effort

From September 5-7, 2007, the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) held its annual conference for Non Government Organizations on the theme, “Global climate change, how it impacts us all?” Utilizing AFJN’s UN-DPI status, Executive Director Rocco...

AFJN and Congo Global Action Coalition

Since the end of 2006, AFJN has been actively involved in CGA. Our Executive Director, Rocco Puopolo, s.x., sits on the Coalition’s Executive Committee and AFJN acts as CGA’s fiscal sponsor. Together with over thirty international organizations, we have built a...

Peace Continues to Elude DR Congo

The people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been waiting for peace for the past eleven years, but the reality on the ground shows that peace is not in their near future. The Congo has been at war since its invasion in 1996 by the Tutsi and a coalition of...