After passing unanimously in the Senate and being approved by the Committee on International Relations in the U.S. House of Representatives,Senate Bill 2125—the Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006—will move to the floor of the House where it will be voted on this Wednesday, October 20th. The Act firmly establishes U.S. support for the DRC during their transition to a new government following their first democratic elections in 46 years which will wrap up in late October.
For far too long the international community ignored the deaths of millions of Congolese as a result of an eight year transnational war. At this monumental crossroads in the Congo’s history, we are calling upon the United States to support the Congolese and their democratically elected government. Please join hands with our brothers and sisters in the DRC by urging your representatives in the House to support S.2125 before September 20, 2006. To contact your Representative, call the Congressional Switchboard at (202)-224-3121 or visit the U.S. House of Representatives website.