Dungu Congress Comminque

A Diocesan Congress on Peace was hosted July 12th -14th in Dungu, DRC by the Diocesan Commision on Justice and Peace from the Catholic Diocese of Dungu-Doruma and by Conciliation Resources. The Congressed aimed to “find sustainable solutions to the problems of...

Update: International Violence Against Women Act

Approximately one third of all women worldwide have been or will become victims of physical or sexual abuse in their lifetimes. In some countries, the rate is as high as 70 percent. Violence against women poses a global health crisis, a severe impediment to...

Rwandan President Paul Kagame & US Policy

As the August 9th election day approaches, fear and uneasiness continues to grow for many Rwandans. The incumbent President Paul Kagame is running for reelection and is expected to win. But, what kind of leader has he been? He has made headlines in recent months for...

The 15th African Union Summit: What were the Issues?

Since the African Union (AU)’s establishment in 1999 and their first assembly in 2002, the AU has had annual summits; this year’s is its 15th. From July 19-27, 2010 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, Heads of State and Government convened to discuss pertinent issues...

ICC Review conference: Peace, Justice, and AFRICOM

Eight years after its July 2002 founding, state parties and observers participated in the first ever review of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at a conference in Kampala, Uganda, earlier this month. The purpose of the conference was to review the Rome Statute...

A Move towards Global Health Equality

In many Western nations, a woman who is about to give birth has to go to the hospital, call her doctor, and be admitted for observation. The mother and child have some of the best professional attention, even if both are healthy. However, for many African mothers the...