D.R. Congo: A Call for Truth and Reconciliation

Justice in Democratic Republic of the Congo is mainly accessible to and protects the powerful, those who run the system, the politically connected, and the rich who influence decision making and can pay for years of trials.  The poor and powerless are prosecuted...

Reflections on the Synod: Where to go from here?

By Rocco Puopolo s.x., Executive Director The Second Special Assembly of Bishops on Africa ended in Rome on October 25th. But the process continues, and the main agents are those who continue to commit time and talent to this Synod. Bishops from around the world...

Women of Wajir

In the early 1990’s, six women began a process that transformed much of the Wajir district in northeast Kenya. Attempting to cope with what was described as a “disaster waiting to happen,” these women formed a community-based approach to halting the violence. Their...

Obama Neglects U.S. Role in Africa

On Saturday, July 11th, President Obama made a major speech to the Ghanaian Parliament on U.S. engagement with the continent. His message was clear: good governance is a prerequisite to effective development and “Africa’s future is up to Africans.” AFJN applauds...