On March 8, 2023 International Women’s Day (IWD), Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) celebrates the achievements of all women in the world. We raise awareness about the challenges that persist, and we urge everyone to take action to drive gender parity. Today, in our ministry, we celebrate the strength and power of women worldwide, and send a resounding shoutout to the important role of Catholic nuns whose tireless passion for social justice has helped advance the rights of women in Africa for 40 years. We reaffirm that women are the center of society and familyhood, sharing with God the creative process of life, and believe that women’s rights are essentially human rights.
While there have been some advances in a few African countries, this simply means that there is still a long road ahead. Therefore, as we celebrate all women today, let us remember the many women whose bodies have been marked by violence and whose lives have been stolen by untold abuse. Let us remember the many women with few opportunities for advancement. Let us remember the women whose dignity and their rights are not respected. Let us remember the trafficked and re-trafficked young girls in Tanzania, the domestic servitude subjugated girl children in parts of Nigeria and the many brutal crimes committed against women in Africa. We are particularly gladdened by the fact that today, our Holy Father, Pope Francis will be welcoming and greeting Maryamu Joseph and Janada Marcus, the victims of savagery of Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria. May this greeting, thoughts, words of prayers and action for justice bring to Maryamu, Janada and all women who face violence healing and comfort.
Finally, our hearts go out to the women caught in the war zones in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, DR Congo, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia etc. As an Africa focused organization, the wellbeing of African women is at the center of our ministry. We carry with us the cry for help which never came when many were being raped, held against their will, sexually enslaved, beheaded, or humiliated in unimaginable inhumane ways. Through our Women Empowerment Project, we will continue to expose and oppose systems of oppression against women in Africa as we have done in the past.
Click here to see a photo gallery of women leaders in action.
A Call for Action
Today, we are particularly highlighting a recently released documentary by BBC Eyes on Africa detailing how women have been sexually abused by their male supervisors in Kenyan tea plantations owned by two British companies in exchange for employment. These sexual exploitations and its accompanying HIV spread, represent the true cost of our Lipton, PG Tips, and Sainsbury’s Red Label tea. On Friday, March 10 at 10:00am ET, you are invited to a meeting to brainstorm what kind of response all Lipton tea drinkers have to ameliorate this tragedy. To join the Zoom webinar please simply click here.