Thank You for Becoming an AFJN Member!

As a 501(c)3 organization, AFJN relies on individual and organizational membership, grants and donations from supporters for our operations and programs. Many of our organizational members are Catholic missionary communities in the U.S. and Africa. We are an extension of missionary witness in the difficult yet important arena of US political decisions that affect African people.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

The Africa Faith and Justice Network, inspired by the Gospel and informed by Catholic Social Teaching, seeks to educate and advocate for just relations with Africa and to work in partnership with African peoples as they engage in the struggle for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.
Benefits for Members of AFJN

Africa Faith and Justice Network derives its strength from those who so generously support our mission to transform U.S. policies toward Africa.

Members receive regular newsletters geared to inform and to stimulate reflection and action in solidarity with the people of Africa. The members also bring their own experience from Africa to the network and to the policy makers. The AFJN website offers updated information and action activities on urgent African issues concerning human rights and justice.

Your voice added to ours makes us stronger. Please encourage friends, family, and others in your community to join our network to achieve solidarity with the people of Africa.


BenefitsIndividualSupportingIntroductory DiocesanOrganizational
Be a member of a national network with an international reach.XXXX
Be up-to-date on the programs and work AFJN is doing both in the U.S and on the African continent through e-blasts and a bimonthly e-newsletter. By having partners on the ground in Africa, you can ensure our information is timely and reliable.XXXX
Access to advocacy tools and materials.XXXX
Receive timely policy alerts accompanied with informatoin on how to best act.XXXX
Receive invitations to relevant events, including lectures, rallies, and conferences.XXXX
Receive AFJN annual report that includes accomplishments and financial information.XXXX
Have access to a pastoral consultation on Africa provided they sponsor an event for AFJN.--XX
Another way for Bishport to express their solicitude to the Universal church.--XX
Attend annual meeting with Staff and Board of Directors.--XX
Nominate someone to the Board of Directors.---X
Elect members to the Board of Directors.---X
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