You are invited to “Africa Liberation Week: The Impact of COVID-19 on African Countries” on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 12 pm EDT (US and Canada). This event will feature AFJN’s Executive Director, Dr. Steven Nabieu Rogers and is hosted by the Advocacy Network for Africa‘s COVID-19 Working Group. Other speakers include: Professor Ruth Oniang’o, Rural Outreach Africa, Dr. Nicaise Ndembi, Senior Science Advisor to the Africa CDC Director and Research (invited), and Seraphine Manirambona, Africa Union Mission in Washington, DC (invited). This webinar is part of Africans Rising for Justice, Peace & Dignity‘s Africa Liberation Week events.

Thursday, May 26, 2022
12 pm EDT (US and Canada)
Zoom Webinar

This webinar will analyze the impact of COVID-19 on African countries and discuss some recommendations that could change the negative trajectory. In 2019, the economic prospects for most African countries looked better. Then, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic happened, causing lockdowns and restrictive measures that precipitated the social-economic crisis that could haunt African countries for decades. Consequently, food insecurity, loss of income and livelihoods, medical tools, and medicines shortages plague the continent causing more pain and suffering than the virus itself. Experts state that the lockdowns and the global recession from COVID-19 have forced more Africans into poverty and uncertainty.

For additional information, please visit Africans Rising here: