In all aspects of our work, AFJN seeks to foster just and equitable relations between the people of the US and the people of Africa. We believe that the United States, in pursuit of its own legitimate foreign policy interests, should respect the dignity and the capacity of its African partners. Our concerns over the direction of US military policy in Africa stem from that philosophy and we hope to provide you with the resources and knowledge that will enable you to make informed decisions about how to address this issue. Here are a few suggestions to get you started!
- Sign up for AFJN’s eNetwork to receive updates about our work in the area of US policy towards Africa.
- Write an editorial to your local newspaper expressing your concerns over heightened US military involvement in situations where USAID and the State Department have historically been responsible for humanitarian and developmental policies.
- Write to your members of Congress and tell them that the structure of AFRICOM may do more harm than good on the continent of Africa. Encourage them to get involved in the debate and to consider the ramifications for US foreign policy when the military begins to operate outside of its traditional role.
- Talk with your family, friends, and parish about this issue. The more people who know about it, the stronger the dialogue and the more powerful our voices will be.