Congo (Kinshasa) Elections: A step backward

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the second largest nation in Africa after Algeria, is again dominating the headlines for failure to organize free and fair elections. Some are blaming the country’s size for the logistical failure, but there is no...

Dyer Lecture Update

The 3rd Annual Fr. Bill Dyer Lecture went quite well this year!  Our speaker Nii Akuetteh’s speech will be published as a paper soon, so even if you couldn’t attend, the content will be available.  The house was packed and both the food and...

Responses to US Troops in Central Africa

ACHOLI RELIGIOUS LEADERS PEACE INITIATIVE October 24, 2011 Response to the Deployment of U.S. Military Advisors to LRA Affected Regions For us, the Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI), President Obama’s October 14th announcement that 100 U.S. troops...

Responses to US Troops in Central Africa

ACHOLI RELIGIOUS LEADERS PEACE INITIATIVE Response to the Deployment of U.S. Military Advisors to LRA Affected Regions For us, the Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI), President Obama’s October 14th announcement that 100 U.S. troops have been deployed...

Long live Zambia for a peaceful power transfer

by Hervé Cheuzeville, translated  from French by Bahati Jacques.  Originally published by Echo D’Afrique on September 23, 2011  A major event occurred on September 23rd, 2011. Yet it went largely unnoticed in Western countries. The stock market...