Welcome to our Fall 2018 Intern, Amie Culver

Amie graduated in December 2018, with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations at Oral Roberts University. Her interest in civic involvement has developed from a young age. For many years she had volunteered through programs like Feed The City, and interned...

AFJN Board Member Fr. Luigi Zanotto 1940-2018

Fr Luigi Zanotto, a Comboni Missionary, died in late March. Fr. Luigi was a zealous missionary who brought to his passion for justice and right relationships to both his pastoral ministry at St. Lucy’s Parish in Newark New Jersey as well as at the UN as the...

Is President Magufuli of Tanzania becoming autocratic?

Dr. John Pombe Magufuli became president of the republic of Tanzania on November 5th, 2015 after securing 58 percent of votes. Since he took the office of the president, many agree that he kept his promise of fighting poverty, corruption and healthcare problems facing...

Meet a Shining African woman entrepreneur

Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu was born and raised in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. After graduating from college in 2005, Betelhem founded “SoleRebels”, a footwear Company. After five years of its establishment, the company became the fastest growing African footwear brand. It is...

Annual Report: 2017 Activity Highlights & Updates

Dear Friends, Your outstanding support for the Africa Faith & Justice Network propelled us to new frontiers in Africa and in the United States. Our advocacy in Washington, education programs and outreach through the media grew stronger. Many young Americans...