by Jacques Bahati | Jan 31, 2019
AFJN is in Enugu, Nigeria to galvanize the energies of Catholic nuns across the country to wake up the public and the government to the increasing violence against women and children in that state. In 2015, The TAMAR Sexual Assault Referral recorded more than 400... by AFJN Intern | Jan 30, 2019
On January 29, 2019, remarks on corruption given by the Africa Faith and Justice Network’s executive director, Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP, were published by the News Agency of Nigeria under “Corrupt public officials must be treated as thieves – cleric”.... by Jacques Bahati | Jan 30, 2019
Calls for a votes recount in the December 30, 2018 Presidential and parliamentary elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo came from countries in Africa, Europe, and North America and from international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the... by Jacques Bahati | Jan 30, 2019
Roy Allela is a 25-year-old Kenyan engineer who has recently received recognition for inventing smart gloves that allow sign language to be translated into audio speech via an Android application. The inspiration behind the creation of these gloves, known as Sign-IO,... by Lydia Andrews | Jan 13, 2019
On January 13, 2019, the Africa Faith and Justice Network was referenced in Dr. Shaul Shay’s article “Egypt and the CEN-SAD counterterrorism” in International Institute for Counter Terrorism. Read the full article here:... by Jacques Bahati | Jan 3, 2019
Introduction Investments that aim at eliminating poverty, creating jobs, and promoting prosperity are generally lauded and promoted. But when investments compromise the ability of the individual or community to achieve prosperity, enriching the few on the back of the...