Welcome 2019 Summer Intern Jerry Canto

Jerry Canto is from Guilford, Connecticut. He went to American University for undergrad, where he studied political science and economics. After graduating, he went into the Peace Corps for two years in Indonesia to teach English at a local high school. Returning home...

Why Audit and Investigate the UN Mission in D.R. Congo

Africa Faith and Justice Network sent a letter to leaders of relevant congressional committees in the United states House of Representatives and the Senate urging them to hold a hearing and work with the executive branch to compel the United Nations to conduct an...

Russian Involvement in Central African Republic

The remedy to the war in Central African Republic must take into account one of the most common drivers of armed conflicts in Africa namely the resource curse. The resource curse is the phenomenon whereby outside forces support dictatorial regimes and or finance and...

List of Female African Presidents

April 24, 2019Written by Adwoa Ohemeng, edited by Ntama Bahati Who is the first female President in Africa? How many female Presidents has Africa had so far? This is one of many unknown great stories of African women. In fact, the narrative we hear often is negative,...