PRESENTATION OF THE ARCHBISHOP OF BUKAVU AT CONGO GLOBAL ACTION’S CONFERENCE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,March 30 -31st, 2008 Translated From French & Published April 7, 2008 Introduction Dear brothers and sisters, It is in the name of all the people of...

Church Leaders Condemn Situation in Zimbabwe

Last week, leaders of the Zimbabwe Catholic Church, Evangelical Church, and Council of Churches released a statement describing the dire situation in Zimbabwe as a result of the recent presidential elections. Continued food shortages and an upswing of violence have...

At the Root of the Crisis in Kenya

Many observers have expressed at least some surprise at the post-election crisis in Kenya, a crisis that has so far left more than six hundred people dead, at least 200,000 people displaced and is affecting the economies of the entire region. Kenya has been known as...

Where Research and Outreach Intersect

Two hundred and fifty Notre Dame Students attended a one-day student-led symposium on human development studies at Notre Dame on February 23, 2008. Mr. Ray Offenheiser, a Notre Dame graduate who is now the president of Oxfam America, offered the keynote. What...

25th Anniversary Conference

This weekend (April 18-20), AFJN celebrates its 25th year of policy analysis and advocacy for peace and justice in Africa. Workshops on health, trade, and conflict transformation will inform participants of the issues currently affecting Africa and what can be done to...