Adwoa Ohemeng is originally from Ghana and is pursuing her Bachelors Degree here in the United States. She is a senior at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she is studying International Relations with double minors in Business and French. She has had a passion to see political, economic and social development in Africa since she was a young girl. This passion influenced her decision to study International Relations and French so that she could expand her knowledge about the world. Her studies have provided a lens for viewing the ways that countries interact and influence one another and how their governments undertake different projects and policies to cause positive change and development which she hopes to emulate for Africa. She hopes to gain from this internship the knowledge and expertise that she needs to empower and make a positive impact on the lives of the people on the continent of Africa.
Welcome to our 2019 Spring Intern Adwoa Ohemeng
by Jacques Bahati | Feb 7, 2019