On November 21, the Great Lakes Forum held a briefing at John Hopkins University in Washington DC featuring US Special Envoy to Africa’s Great Lakes Region and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Senator Russ Feingold. Two Congolese asked Senator Feingold for a meeting with the Congolese diaspora to discuss policy going forward. Knowing the nature of these briefings, Africa Faith and Justice Network’s Executive Director, Aniedi Okure prepared a meeting request letter ahead of the time, with the Congolese diaspora, and handed it to Senator Feingold after the briefing. To join the preparation for this meeting, please call AFJN’s office at 202-817-3670 or send an email bahati at bahati@afjn.org
Jacques Bahati, AFJN Policy Analyst, contributed to the discussion by citing section 28 of the 2008 UN experts’ report on DRC (S/2008/773) and asked Senator Feingold to include an investigation aiming to dismantle US-based networks which collaborated or are still collaborating with rebels groups in DRC in his policy agenda. The public is encouraged to contact AFJN or the office of the US Special Envoy with any helpful information to identify suspects linked to this network of criminals whose actions have contributed to the ongoing conflict, violence, and rape.