Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Africa

What is “restorative justice”, and how is it different from punitive (criminal) justice? How are these methods used in Africa to heal communities after conflict, and how can faith communities in the U.S. integrate these ideas into their communities? Come see the amazing story of Sierra Leone’s “Fambul Tok” documentary
Organized by the Society of African Missions (SMA), with Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN).
Saturday, MARCH 29, 2014 at 7:30pm (film screening) and
Sunday, MARCH 30, 2014 at 3:00pm (panel discussion)

Saturday, MARCH 29, 2014
Film Screening:
S.M.A. Hall
7:30 pm
Free Admission
A film about the power of forgiveness, directed and Produced by Sara Terry, Fambol Tok received “Best Documentary” awards at film festivals around the world.
In this film, victims and perpetrators of Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war come together for fambul tok (family talk), a tradition- based truth telling and forgiveness ceremonies. This film explores the depths of a culture that believes that true justice lies in redemption and healing for individuals and that forgiveness is the surest path to restoring dignity and building strong communities. Run time: 82 Minutes
Sunday, MARCH 30, 2014
Panel Discussion on Restorative Justice:
S.M.A. Hall
3:00 PM
Free Admission
Aniedi Okure, OP, and Bahati Jacques will be speaking