Posted on September9, 2009
Fr. Luigi Zanotto, MCCJ, a board member of AFJN and our UN contact will join over 2000 global civil society activists at the 62nd annual UN Department of Public Information/Non-Governmental Organizations Conference titled, “For Peace and Development: Disarm Now! !Desarme Ahora! Trabejemos por la Paz y el Desarrollo.”
The three-day Conference will take place in Mexico City, Mexico at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from Wednesday, 9 September to Friday, 11 September 2009. The 62nd UN DPI/NGO Conference is being organized in partnership with the United Nations Department of Public Information, the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, the Government of Mexico and the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs.
The conference aims to promote ways in which civil society, in partnership with those in business, academia, philanthropy, media and medicine can work together for disarmament, peace and development.
Fr. Rocco Puopolo, s.x., AFJN’s executive director commented: “AFJN has advocated for a change of policy towards Africa for many years, especially when it comes to the military, only to see the number of conflicts grow and fester. I personally saw the consequences of war while I was missioned in Sierra Leone for many years. African peoples deserve better. We need a loud and clear voice. Disarm Now!”