Outreach Based on Need not Creed

By Rocco Puopolo s.x., Executive Director Bishop George Biguzzi of the Diocese of Makeni, Sierra Leone, was recently invited to Washington to make a presentation on migration in West Africa to the United States Catholics Conference of Bishops (USCCB) Migration and...

AFJN Supports an Informed Foreign Aid Reform

As part of the Presidential Study Directive on Foreign Assistance, initiated by President Obama at the end of August, the National Security Council has socilcited input from the NGO community on what U.S. development should look like. AFJN and several partner...

Clinton’s Visit: A New U.S.-DRC Relationship?

During her August trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saw her mission as the beginning of a new chapter in the U.S-DRC relationship. On August 11, 2009, in a private meeting with Congolese President, Joseph Kabila in...

Yes Africa Matters Website Launched!

Catholic Task Force on Africa announces the new websitewww.yesafricamatters.org. The Task Force uses the occasion of the Second Special Assembly for Africa, popularly known as the Second African Synod of Bishops, to offer this website. The Synod took place in Rome...

D.R. Congo: A Call for Truth and Reconciliation

Justice in Democratic Republic of the Congo is mainly accessible to and protects the powerful, those who run the system, the politically connected, and the rich who influence decision making and can pay for years of trials. The poor and powerless are prosecuted and...