by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jul 24, 2008
In June, AFJN staff member Beth Tuckey presented information on private security contractors in Africa to staffers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Her presentation was part of a larger briefing by the Resist AFRICOM coalition, to familiarize staffers with our... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jul 8, 2008
This year, Hokkaido Toyako, Japan, is hosting heads of state of some of the world’s most developed nations, the Group of 8, in their 34th annual summit to discuss, debate, and potentially reach consensus on addressing the challenges that face our world today. The G8... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jul 2, 2008
AFJN’s concerns for the Zimbabwean people continue in the wake of the June 27th run-off elections: Despite the withdraw of oppositional candidate Morgan Tsvangirai in response to violence against his supporters and widespread awareness of the election’s illegitimacy,... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jun 30, 2008
On June 30, 1960 , the Democratic Republic of the Congo was formally proclaimed independent from Belgium . What kind of independence has it had? Like many African nations, the period since independence has been very similar to the time before independence.... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jun 27, 2008
AFJN applauds Condoleezza Rice and the leaders of the United Nations Security Council for their new resolution forcefully condemning sexual violence against women. The Resolution, approved unanimously by the UN Security Council on Thursday, June 20, affirms the role... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jun 23, 2008
Several Republican Senators led by Tom Coburn of Oklahoma are blocking Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde US Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS or S. 2731 after it was passed the Foreign Relations Committee in a 18-to-3 vote. The Senators are objecting to the... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Jun 2, 2008
When we started our work opposing AFRICOM, many people told us that the train had left the station and that there was nothing we could do to stop it. No one in Congress or at the Embassies felt empowered to stand up against a direct order from the Bush Administration,... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | May 30, 2008
By Ntama Bahati To this day Robert Mugabe is determined to remain in power at all cost. His strategy is to rule by force, particularly with violence against those who supported his opponent Morgan Tsvangirai during the first presidential election round on March 29,... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | May 29, 2008
The World Health Organization issued a report saying about 2,000 children of HIV-positive mothers in the developing world are born with the disease on a daily basis because the mothers were not given antiretrovirals during their pregnancy. The lack of progress came in... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | May 22, 2008
On March 30-31st at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, Congo Global Action Coalition held a conference on the Democratic Republic of the Congo; an effort to bring more awareness and advocate for peace in the this nation. Dr. Denis Kukwege,...