by Jacques Bahati | Mar 23, 2016
To get ahead of the brokers who are going from village to village looking for land on behalf of foreign companies, we have taken our Land Grabbing Awareness and Prevention Campaign to local FM radio stations. (Click here to learn more about what is land grabbing.)... by Jacques Bahati | Mar 22, 2016
Africa Faith and Justice Network cosponsored and participated on March 2nd in the launch of the Ghana Integrated Platform for Governance of Land, Water and Seed. AFJN Policy Analyst Ntama Bahati discussed “The Global Trends of Land, Water and Seed Discrimination and... by Jacques Bahati | Mar 18, 2016
On Friday March 11th, President of Angola Jose Eduardo de Santos announced that he will not be running for reelection in 2018. He did not elaborate on his decision to not run, but those who advocate for just governance in Africa were thrilled that he is setting an... by Jacques Bahati | Mar 11, 2016
The United States Constitution makes it possible for citizens to express our true beliefs, a freedom we constantly take for granted. We go to the store wearing the shirt of our favorite political candidate; we passively share a Facebook post that expresses our strong... by Jacques Bahati | Mar 6, 2016
On Friday, March 6, 2015 at a lecture sponsored by Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN) and the Institute for Policy Research at Catholic University, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald spoke on the Grounds for dialogue with Islam today. Archbishop Fitzgerald has been... by Jacques Bahati | Feb 23, 2016
Rev. Aniedi talks about the legacy of Pope benedict... by Jacques Bahati | Feb 12, 2016
The Global Convergence of Land and Water Struggles invites you to join the West African Caravan for Land, Water and Seeds. The Caravan will mobilize 15 countries in the sub region in March 2016 departing from Burkina Faso on March 3rd, via Mali, with Senegal as it’s... by Jacques Bahati | Feb 11, 2016
As the United States buzzes with anticipation of the presidential primaries, everyone is wrapped in the whirlwind of debates, voting and sharing their views on social media. While we are wrapped up in the process, we often take for granted that fact that we are able... by Jacques Bahati | Feb 5, 2016
PDF file with photos here AFJN spearheads an impressive coalition to stop land grabbing in Africa The Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN) initiated a coalition to protect Africa’s farm lands from Land Grabbing and restore land rights to indigenous communities.... by Jacques Bahati | Feb 4, 2016
Nairobi Land Grab and Just Governance Conference: Commitment to A Plan Of Action Land grabbing has become a cancer[1] that stands on the way of true development of Africa. It is packaged in various counterfeit development programs that are practically targeted towards...