UN Not Welcome in Sudan

Envoy Says Sudan Doesn’t Want U.N. Force in Darfur – 3/01/2006, New York Times Sudan has withdrawn its support for a United Nations peacekeeping force to replace African Union troops now in the conflicted Darfur region and is lobbying other countries to...

Find Out More About Conflict in DRC

To learn more about the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, please visit the following websites/organizations: Amnesty International www.amnestyusa.org Congo Global Action Coalition http://drccoalition.blogspot.com Enough Project www.enoughproject.org...

Congo: The Bleeding Heart of Africa

The conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains the deadliest since World War II and has resulted in the loss of over 4 million lives since 1998 and the displacement of millions more. As many as 1,000 people a day continue to die from war-related...

Three Resolutions Approved by Members in Tucson

The members of AFJN, gathered in Tucson, Arizona in October 2005 for two days of work and prayer, approved three resolutions to be carried forward in their advocacy work. The resolutions concerned the ongoing crisis in Uganda, the genocide in Darfur and the HIV/AIDS...