Posted on Novmber 22, 2012
“In communion with the Bishops of the Congo who have frequently taken position on this situation, we launch a pressing appeal to the UN, the AU, the EU, the DRC Government and the governments of the other countries involved in some way in this war as well as to multinational companies in the extractive sector. May they, once and for all, address the causes of this recurrent violence through promoting dialogue in an honest and transparent manner so as to find, urgently, a fair and concerted solution, able to put an end to the suffering of the civilian populations of the Eastern DRC; thus avoiding plunging them into despair and violence. The perpetrators of such violence and destruction should be brought to justice.” Read the full statement.
On the other hand, some Rwandan religous leaders have a different point of view on the crisis in the D.R. Congo. In their recent statement they announced: “The Rwandan Religious Leaders have serious concerns about the recent UN reports implicating Rwanda in the internal problems of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Ranging from the integrity of the experts compiling the reports, the methodology used, the lack of sufficient evidence to substantiate the claims presented in the reports and most of all, the way these reports are being used or misused to undermine and derail Rwanda’s political, social and economic progress without setting up sustainable conditions for dialogue, reconciliation and peace.”Also read the statement by Rwandan state leaders.
Also, read the following UN reports on the situation in Eastern DRC:
UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo Report
Addendum to the interim report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo