The Catholic Task Force on Africa (CTFA) was founded almost a decade ago as a coalition of Catholic religious communities and organizations seeking to analyze and influence U.S. policy toward Africa based on principles of Catholic social teaching.  It represents a collaborative effort to win Africa higher policy priority among U.S. government policymakers.  It is composed of a broad variety of Catholic institutions, from Catholic mission-sending congregations with personnel serving in Africa to U.S.-based advocacy groups, NGOs and the United States Catholic Conference.


The Catholic Task Force on Africa (CTFA) was founded almost a decade ago as a coalition of Catholic religious communities and organizations seeking to analyze and influence U.S. policy toward Africa based on principles of Catholic social teaching.  It represents a collaborative effort to win Africa higher policy priority among U.S. government policymakers.  It is composed of a broad variety of Catholic institutions, from Catholic mission-sending congregations with personnel serving in Africa to U.S.-based advocacy groups, NGOs and the United States Catholic Conference.

The CTFA seeks to listen to African church and civil society partners and to channel their concerns to U.S. policymakers. It has done this via:

  • HOSTING African Catholic bishops and representatives of African non-governmental organizations, seeking their views and helping them communicate with appropriate U.S. government offices and officials
  • ADVOCACY – including letters to Congress and the Administration, personal visits and participation in campaigns where appropriate – urging more effective U.S. policies towards Africa
  • PUBLIC EDUCATION on African issues, particularly within Catholic institutions and networks

It has particularly worked on issues affecting Africa’s poor majority, including peace and conflict mediation; efforts to ban the use of child soldiers and landmines; curbing small arms trafficking; efforts to generate U.S. support for U.N. peace efforts; work to cancel Africa’s unpayable debt burden; farmers’ rights; and efforts to ensure Africans’ access to resources adequate to confront the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

We invite those interested to contact the CTFA through one of its organizational members, which include:

  • Africa Faith and Justice Network: afjn(at)
  • African Catholics Association:  johnbnmubiru(at)
  • Arch. of Washington, DC: eastr(at)
  • At-large: 53carney(at)
  • Bread for the World: kotoole(at)
  • Catholic Relief Services: pmiller(at), kmazyck(at)
  • Conference of Major Superiors of Men: mmcnulty(at)
  • Jesuit Conference: jkleiderer(at)
  • Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns: mdennis(at)
  • Missionaries of Africa: wcdyer(at)
  • Oblates of Mary Immaculate: gngolwe(at)
  • SMA Fathers: smausa-j(at)
  • U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference:  scolecchi(at), jokereke(at)
  • U.S. Catholic Mission Association:  ccook(at)