Feb 5, 1885 – 1908: Congo is colonized and becomes a private property of Leopold II, King of Belgium.
1908 – 1960: Congo becomes a colony of the Belgian nation.
June 24, 1960 – September 1960: Patrice Emry Lumumba elected Congo’s Prime Minister. He was assassinated on Jan 17, 1961.
July 1, 1960 – November 14, 1965: Joseph Kassavubu becomes Congo’s first President.
November 24, 1965 – September 7, 1997: Mobutu Sese seko Nkuku Ngbendu wa Zabanga named President of the Congo (Zaire) He died in exile on September 7, 1997. October 6, 1996- May 17, 1997: First Congo War. Mobuto Sese seko overthrown by Ugandan, Burundi and Rwandan supported troops.
May 17, 1997 – January 16, 2001: Laurent Kabila steps in as President of D.R. Congo.
July 28, 1998, Kabila decided to send Rwandan, Ugandan and Burundian troops home.
August 2, 1998 – 2003: Second Congo War by Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda(Africa’s First World War) claims approximately 4 million lives.
July 18, 2003: Transitional government set up as a result of the global and inclusive agreements signed on December 16, 2002 in Pretoria /South Africa.
December 6, 2006: Joseph Kabila sworn in as president of D.R. Congo.