The Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) are back virtually in 2021 advocating for Climate Justice! This years is Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored. EAD 2021 is an opportunity to support this global movement centered on and led by the people and communities most vulnerable to climate impacts due to historic racial and colonial inequities. Together, we will passionately advocate and reimagine a world that lives out the values of justice, equity and the beloved community.
We continue to see how the historic reality of colonialism and structural racism has designed systems that live on today through environmental racism and a myriad of other injustices that grew out of the same evil roots. Throughout 2020, these systemic issues manifested themselves in the disproportionate number of racial and ethnic minorities who became sick with and died of COVID-19, as well as the continued extrajudicial killing of Black men and women. The Earth and its people are groaning. We are called to respond.
Around the world, we again bear witness to protests for racial justice, this time set amidst unprecedented climate-induced disasters, an economic crisis, and the deaths of more than one million people globally from the pandemic. For example, Amazonian indigenous communities face the existential threats of COVID-19, wildfires, and brutal mining operations. More East Africans are affected by hunger and malnutrition due to the coronavirus restrictions and to crop failures from flooding and locusts… We have an opportunity to reflect on this moment as Christians. Together we can seek the balm to heal God’s Earth and all humanity.
Addressing the history of colonialism and structural racism is key to achieving climate justice. Together, we will rise up with the climate justice movement against these systemic wrongs and respond in hope. Join us in 2021 as we gather virtually for worship, workshops and advocacy to “imagine God’s Earth and its people restored.”
“This territory is not ours, it’s not mine, it’s not yours. It belongs to the generation yet to come.” – Maritza Naforo, Huitoto indigenous leader, Colombia
“We look for — and speed the coming of — the new heavens and a new earth, where justice is at home.” (2 Pet. 3:12,13)
The Africa Faith and Justice Network is cosponsoring:
Monday, April 19th
“A Global Just Recovery: Policies for an Equitable and Sustainable Future”
11:00 am -12:00 PM EDT (US and Canada)
The global health pandemic has yet again exposed the historic economic inequities between wealthy countries and the rest of the world and within countries themselves, making it more difficult for low- and middle- income countries to respond to the new and ongoing past and present health, economic, and climate crises. Race, class, caste, and gender biases have contributed to these inequities. This workshop will: 1) unpack: how we got here; 2) name the barriers to closing the global wealth gap between countries and diverse communities; 3) and recommend what politicians and economic institutions need to do to ensure a social, economic, and ecologically just recovery. AFJN’s former Executive Director, Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP will be a panelist.
Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
1:00 pm -2:00 PM EDT (US and Canada)
Join the Africa Faith and Justice Network as we come together live online in prayer and thanksgiving for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. All are welcome to attend this virtual event. AFJN’s Executive Director, Fr. Nelson Adjei-Bediako, SMA and Fr. Barthelemy Bazemo, MAfr will be celebrating the Mass.
“Democratic Governance in Africa will Improve the Health of Our Planet”
2:30 pm -3:30 PM EDT (US and Canada)
Africa is paying the heaviest price in the global climate crisis though historically it has not been a major contributor to greenhouse emissions. Ever since climate change has been scientifically linked to human activities, the call to reverse the trend can no longer be ignored. This workshop will explore how the application of democratic governance and participation in democratic processes is crucial for Africa’s meaningful contribution to the global effort of saving our common home.”
Moderator and Speakers
Fr. Nelson Adjei-Bediako, SMA, Executive Director, Africa Faith and Justice Network (Introduction)
Ms. Imani Countess, Founder and Director of the US-Africa Bridge Building Project (Moderator)
Mr. Frédéric Mousseau, Policy Director at the Oakland Institute
Mr. Nii Akuetteh, Adjunct Professor at George Washington University
Mr. Adotei Akwei, Deputy Director for Advocacy and Government Relations at Amnesty International USA.
Tuesday, April 20th
“Agroecology: Restoring the Earth, Strengthening Economic Justice, and Ensuring Food Security”
11:00 am -12:00 PM EDT (US and Canada)
The adoption of Agroecology, a regenerative agricultural practice, is a sustainable alternative to Industrial Agriculture (agrochemicals) which uses 80 percent of global arable land. Industrial agriculture is responsible for an estimated 25 to 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Learn how Agroecology: uses scientific agricultural techniques based on ecological farming principles that contribute to the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere, thus helping stabilize the climate; promotes economic justice by stopping agro-colonialism and supporting the livelihood of small farm holders; and improves food security and provides healthy organic food diversity. “
Moderator and Speakers
Fr. Nelson Adjei-Bediako, SMA, Executive Director, Africa Faith and Justice Network (Introduction)
Jacques Bahati, Policy Analyst at Africa Faith and Justice (Moderator)
Dr. Nicholls Clara, is a Colombian agronomist with a PHD from UC Davis. She has taught “Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Development in Latin America” at UC Berkeley, Stanford University and Santa Clara University since 2002. She also teaches at various universities in Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Argentina, Spain and Italy.
Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith, Senior Associate for Pan African and Orthodox Church Engagement at Bread for the World
Mr. Denis Mpagaze, Manages Radio Jogoo FM Radio in Tanzania and Lecturer at St. Augustine University of Tanzania and Archbishop James University of Tanzania.
To register click the button below. Help spread the word for this timely conference.