Patrecia Mawuli is raised in the rural village of Ghana where there is no electricity and water was fetched from sand pipes. One day, she saw a plane flying over the sky while she was cutting a tree in her village. At that point she become curious about where the planes are coming from and how they are manufactured. In 2007, Patricia went to WAASPS to look for a job. WAASPS is a social entrepreneurship project in West Africa that provides pilot training, build aircraft, maintenance and many more. Her first task was shrub cleaning until captain Yaw realizes her potential and curiosity about flying and maintenance of an airplane. One day captain Yaw asked her to fly with him and control the plane. The captain realized her efforts and determination about maintenance and flying an airplane. That is when the company decided to sponsor her for engineering and pilot training. After six months of intense training, at the age of 23, Patricia became a certified engineer and Ghana’s first certified female pilot. Because of Patricia, since 2010, WAPPS began to train four girls per year to built aircraft, perform maintenance, flight instruct, work with airfield operations, robotic engineering and computers. Click here to read more about the story of Paterecia Mauli. Read more
Meet Ghana’s first female pilot, engineer and trainer
by Jacques Bahati | Feb 16, 2018