Since the invasion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Rwanda in 1996, the Congolese people have not experienced peace. Click here for a brief backgroundon the Congo-Rwanda conflict and how the Rwandan government is contributing to instability in eastern Congo.
Please, act now to promote peace in the D. R. Congo.
To this day, the Rwanda-Congo conflict continues to undermine the peace process between the Congolese government and the many rebel groups that operate in the eastern part of the Congo – particularly the CNDP of Laurent Nkunda whose military support comes from the Rwandan government. We believe that only political will and diplomacy will bring the two nations to a common ground for peace in the Congo.
Let us join our voices to ask the United States of America to encourage Rwandan President, Paul Kagame to do more for peace in the Congo.
Please sign this petition to the US government from Africa Faith and Justice Network today!