For Immediate Release
June 4, 2024

Direct Filing Here to Stay with an Invitation for States to Join

Washington, DC –  On May 30th, “U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRS Announce Direct File as Permanent Free Tax Filing Option, All 50 States and D.C. Invited to Join in Filing Season 2025” in their press release. The Africa Faith and Justice Network, was one of the 256 organizations who signed the Coalition for Free and Fair Filing’s letter calling to expand and make permanent the IRS Direct File.  The letter was sent to Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Daniel Werfel and the US Department of the Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on May 14th. Since the current “tax filing system does not work for low and middle-income families” costing the taxpayers fees, Direct File “save[s] taxpayers $11 billion in filing fees and time” and separate reports showed overwhelming polling support for the program. 

Steven Nabieu Rogers, PhD, Executive Director of the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) made the following remarks:

  • “Navigating the US’s federal and state tax systems is complicated even for highly educated US Citizens. This change will make tax filing less complicated, less expensive, and faster for the millions of low-income African immigrants who are already struggling with language barriers and high cost of living.”

Read the “U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRS Announce Direct File as Permanent Free Tax Filing Option, All 50 States and D.C. Invited to Join in Filing Season 2025” press release

Read the coalition letter

The Africa Faith and Justice Network is a faith-based, non-partisan coalition of 32 US-based religious communities of men and women. Inspired by the Gospel and informed by Catholic Social Teaching, AFJN seeks to educate and advocate for just relations with Africa and to work in partnership with African peoples as they engage in the struggle for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.


Available for Interview:
Dr. Steven Nabieu Rogers

Contact: Lydia Andrews, Communications Manager | (o) 202-817-3670