Jackie Mullen is a senior at The Catholic University of America, where she majors in International Relations. Having grown up all over the United States and abroad, she has cultivated a passion to combat both national and international issues. She is primarily concerned with the eradication of diseases, combating human rights violations, and promoting transparency. This led her and her family to become advocates for The Carter Center. She was awarded Young Humanitarian of the Year in 2011 by the Center and worked this past summer as their Programs Development intern to help increase funding for their health programs in Africa, South America, and the Middle East. After moving to DC from Seattle, Jackie interned with the Institute for Global Engagement in their Women, Faith and Leadership department and assisted women in various parts of the world overcome government placed obstacles to attain their professional goals. She is currently pursuing a career in international development to help build infrastructure in developing countries, specifically in Africa, so peace and health programs can be more effective
Welcome to our Spring 2017 Intern, Jacqueline Mullen
by Jacques Bahati | Feb 3, 2017