AFJN Event: Seeking Peace and Forgiveness

Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Africa What is “restorative justice”, and how is it different from punitive (criminal) justice? How are these methods used in Africa to heal communities after conflict, and how can faith communities in the U.S....

Catholic Task Force on Africa: Mission

The Catholic Task Force on Africa (CTFA) was founded almost a decade ago as a coalition of Catholic religious communities and organizations seeking to analyze and influence U.S. policy toward Africa based on principles of Catholic social teaching.  It represents...

Catholic Task Force on Africa Prepares for Synod

The Catholic Task Force on Africa (CTFA) has announced that it will continue its work of making the US Catholic Bishops’ letter, “A Call to Solidarity with Africa,” better known in dioceses and parishes. The CTFA has already produced a resource guide...

In Memoriam, Scott and Jean Adams

The crisis off the coast of Somalia has become personal for the Africa Faith and Justice Network. On February 18th, 2011 Scott and Jean Adams, members of St. Monica’s Parish in California, were captured by Somali pirates and were killed on February 22, 2011. St....