2009 Staff Report

Staff: We have a three person full time staff at AFJN. Beth Tuckey who has been with us since June 2007 is the associate director for program development and policy. She also assists with outreach. Bahati Ntama Jacques began in September of 07. He is the...

IMF Reform?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has become somewhat infamous as one of the most well-funded failures of Western attempts at development.  On the continent of Africa, the rather unsuccessful IMF policies of the past have included damaging structural...

Rwanda Begins Troop Withdrawl in Eastern DR Congo

Despite anxieties around Rwanda’s military presence in Congo, troops have now begun to leave eastern DRC, five weeks after they crossed the border to attack FDLR Hutu rebels. A ceremony bidding farewell to the Rwandan military took place in Goma today, and...

AFRICOM Fails Its First Test

As one of its principal missions, AFRICOM states that it will offer “the kind of support that will enable African governments and existing regional organizations… to have greater capacity to provide security and respond in times of need.”...

Declaration of Religous Summit on LRA Issue

Last week, Caritas reported on the first-ever gathering of religious leaders from the numerous communities affected by the continued aggression of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a gathering focused on finding a regional solution to the violence. This three-day...

Vulture Funds: Ugly Name for an Ugly Reality

Vulture funds, often called “Distressed Debt Funds” are predatory hedge funds that siphon off newly freed resources from poor-country debt cancellation efforts. They do this by buying up a poor country’s debt in default for pennies on the dollar and then engaging...

‘Greetings’ in Burundian Culture

Hearing Burundians greet each other and greet us in Kirundi got me curious about finding out the meaning of these daily greeting rituals. The finding is, astonishingly, a good ground on which Burundians can build bridges of reconciliation and recovery from the hurt...

Evolving Political Situation in Burundi

This article was originally posted on January 29th, 2009 during AFJN’s trip to Burundi and Uganda. It appeared as a blog post on justicegreatlakes.blogspot.com. Reposted here April 14th, 2009. Although many Burundians feel positive about the political shift in...