by Rev. Barthelemy Bazemo, MAfr | Aug 27, 2014
Barthelemy Bazemo Throughout history, there have been cases of outbreak of infectious diseases that have claimed thousands and in some cases millions of lives, such as the bubonic plaque that swept across Europe in the 14th century and claimed an estimated 25 million... by Jacques Bahati | Aug 20, 2014
A tragedy is happening in Africa before our eyes. The ongoing massive lease of Africa’s most fertile land as a development approach risks the well-being of millions of people throughout Africa, especially traditional small farmers and pastoralists, who rely on the... by Jacques Bahati | Aug 6, 2014
(WASHINGTON, D.C. August 6, 2014) – The Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN) and TASSC (Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition) International call on the United States government to make Good Governance and Human Rights in Africa a priority in the... by Rev. Barthelemy Bazemo, MAfr | Aug 1, 2014
The year 2015 will mark the official end to the Millennium Development Goals campaign, an initiative launched by the United Nations in early 2000 to free humanity from extreme poverty and hunger, gender inequality and illiteracy, disease and environmental degradation....