by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Aug 28, 2015
Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN) educates and advocates for a transformation of U.S. policies toward Africa. For over 32 years, we have successfully challenged U.S. military, agriculture, healthcare, and humanitarian policies. AFJN works extensively to... by Jacques Bahati | Aug 24, 2015
Press Release Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) Secretariat The youth in Africa have been called upon to combat the new forms of slavery and colonization on the continent. This appeal was made by the President of the Episcopal Conference of... by Jacques Bahati | Aug 14, 2015
Let’s get some very important things out of the way before diving deep into this story. It is a fact that opinions like this have gotten people killed, imprisoned, or exiled in and outside Rwanda. However, silence is not an option for the sake of millions of people... by Jacques Bahati | Aug 10, 2015
Some African strongmen who are also America’s allies and receive millions of US aid, have successfully removed the provisions on presidential term limits from their constitutions to enable them to run repeatedly. These are selections, not elections. The President...