NCR Covers AFJN’s Event on Ending Exterme Poverty

On April 29, 2015, Mark Pattison covered the event “Ending Extreme Poverty Now: Working Together with the Poor” co-sponsored by the Africa Faith and Justice Network and several other organizations at CUA. Read the full article, published in the National...

Happy Independence Day, Tanzania, April 26.

Shortly after achieving independence from Britain in the early 1960s, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the nation of Tanzania in 1964. Today Tanzania is a country of 45 million people, a multi-party democracy, with a land area larger that Nigeria. Tourism is an...

Independence Day for Senegal, April 4th

Powerful European countries competed for the trade of Senegal, until France finally gained control over it in 1677. Traders dealt in wax, amber, gold, ivory, and also participated in the slave trade. In the 1850s slavery was abolished. Senegal became independent from...

Congratulations Nigeria!

With the just concluded 2015 presidential election, Nigeria has made history. Nigerians have shown the world their determination to engage in participatory governance and a resolve to look beyond ethnic and religious frontiers often played out and reinforced both...

Happy Independence Day Namibia- March 21

Unknown to many is that the first and the most devastating 20th century genocide happened in Namibia. The Republic of Namibia declared its independence from South Africa on March 21, 1990. South Africa had colonized Namibia since 1915 after defeating German forces in...