by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Apr 12, 2011
Humanitarian and advocacy groups in the US and Europe are pressing their respective governments to appoint special envoys to Africa’s Great Lakes region. On the US side, this appointment is long overdue. The necessity for a special envoy was recognized by US... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Apr 8, 2011
Africa Advocates can get behind this event, come and show your support! From their website: “We are organizing a Global Day of Action on Military Spending on April 12, 2011to coincide with the release of the Stockholm International Peace Research... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 31, 2011
AFJN has signed on to a letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission which urges the Commission to implement the financial reforms (Dodd-Frank Act) passed last year in terms of firmer regulations on commodities speculation. Commodities speculation... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 24, 2011
California State Senator Ellen Corbett has introduced SB 861, a bill that (if passed) would prohibit the state of California from contracting with companies who do not follow the federal rules of transparency that prohibit the trading of conflict minerals from the... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 21, 2011
Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) convicted Congolese war lord Thomas Lubanga of recruiting children and sending them into battle. The conviction is good news for his victims, but it does not match the scope of his crimes. This is just a drop in the... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 15, 2011
From the Jan-March 2011 edition of Around Africa, by Fr. Rocco Puopolo, Executive Director AFJN “If you want peace, work for justice.” This pithy saying can still be found today as a bumper sticker on a number of cars in Church parking lots. It has been a long... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 15, 2011
From the Jan-March 2011 Edition of Around Africa, by Melaura Homan-Smith, AFJN Staff In 1961, just three days before John F Kennedy was inaugurated, President Eisenhower gave his historic farewell speech where he said: “We must guard against the acquisition of... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 15, 2011
March 2 Congressional Briefing on D.R. Congo – Jacques Bahati’s Introductory RemarksMarch 2 Congressional Briefing on D.R. Congo – Claude Gatebuke’s Introductory RemarksMarch 2 Congressional Briefing – Nita Evele’s Introductory... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 15, 2011
From the Jan-March 2011 Edition of Around Africa, by Bahati Jacques, AFJN Senior Policy AnalystSince President Barack Obama signed into law the Conflict Mineral Act on July 21, 2010 (section 1502, of US public law N0 111-203), non-profit organizations and electronics... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Mar 10, 2011
A note from the Dorothy Day house: Please vigil with the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker and other peacemakers at the White House during the Fridays of Lent from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Lent is a time for personal and societal repentance, a time for radical conversion, renewal...