by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Dec 12, 2008
Just when we thought the situation in Somalia couldn’t possibly get any worse, recent weeks have shown that Somalia will likely deteriorate further before stabilizing. From piracy to militancy to displacement and starvation of the local population, Somalia needs... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Dec 4, 2008
From November 2nd through December 2nd, Africa Faith and Justice Network’s Executive Director, Rocco Puopolo, s.x. visited Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone to conduct research and interviews as part of AFJN’s Restorative Justice Book Project. Click here to... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Dec 3, 2008
The ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is essentially an economic war. The high demand for Congolese cassiterite (tin) and other natural resources has claimed millions of lives, displaced thousands, and transformed the Congo – particularly... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Nov 25, 2008
19 November 2008, by Louis Ncamiso Ndlovu, Bishop of the Diocese of Manzini Some Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Master reprove your disciples,’ but he answered, ‘I tell you, if these keep silence, the stones will cry out.’(Luke 19: 39-40) 1. The Roman Catholic... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Nov 6, 2008
Laurent Nkunda used and abused civilians to capture the military base of Rumangabo. Civilian abuse continues to be one of the biggest consequences and challenges of the ongoing crisis in eastern D.R.Congo. According to an AFJN contact in the area, Congolese... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Nov 6, 2008
In Support of the Congolese people, Friends of the Congo, Africa Faith and Justice Network, Congo Global Action and En Avant Congo sponsored a vigil that was held in front of the Rwandan embassy in Washington DC on October 31, 2008, with the following message: “Since... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Nov 6, 2008
Within the African community, both in the US and on the continent, many have speculated about what an Obama presidency will mean for Africa. As the son of a Kenyan man with family still in Kenya, expectations tend to run high. Still, some have cautioned against such... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Nov 3, 2008
Due to its vast oil wealth, the Niger Delta remains a place of violence, instability, and injustice. For years, civilians on Nigeria’s coast have battled large oil companies such as Chevron and Shell Oil whose escapades in the region have cost Nigerians their lives... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Oct 28, 2008
Strong visuals have the power to mobilize. They have the power to educate and to change minds. It is our hope that with this film, you will become an organizer and an educator to stop this additional U.S. military’s exertion of power. Whether by forwarding... by Rev. Aniedi Okure, OP | Oct 14, 2008
Paul Ronan, Senior Policy Analyst at Resolve Uganda, conducted an interview with Fr. Benoit Kinalegu on October 2nd, 2008 concerning the recent LRA abductions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Click here to see the interview on Resolve Uganda’s blog. This...