U.S. Boots on Africa’s Ground

The rumors were true after all. For several years, we have been hearing that the United States was about to create a military command structure for Africa. On February 6, President Bush announced that US Africa Command (Africom) would become a reality. Up until...

US Bishops Support Zimbabwean Brother Bishops

After Pope Benedict XVI, the UK Bishops and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops have officially reached out to support their Zimbabwean counterparts. Bishop Wenski, of the Orlando...

AFJN Responds to President Bush in Africa

Before President Bush left for Africa, AFJN and several other NGO’s organized a press call to address some of our primary concerns regarding the Bush Administration’s legacy in Africa. On the top of the list was the new US military command for Africa – AFRICOM. Those...

The Pope Wants Justice for Africa

The continent of Africa is getting a healthy dose of attention from Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope’s new book, Jesus of Nazareth, has been written about quite widely in the international press, especially for what the Pontiff has said about Africa, notes that Pope...

Militia Attacks Resume in Darfur

Militia attacks have resumed and the humanitarian situation continues to worsen in Darfur. Meanwhile, the international community and humanitarian organizations are decreasing their involvement in the region. In the first week of November, militia attacks on IDP camps...

Polls Repeated in Fataki, Bumba

Repeat elections were conducted in Fataki and Bumba following civil unrest on Sunday. In Fataki, a soldier opened fire at a polling station resulting in the death of two polling clerks. In Bumba, voters accused voting officials of being Kabila supporters and set...

Bemba, Kabila Sign Declaration

Representatives of presidential rivals Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba singed an historic declaration on Sunday to keep peace after Sunday’s elections and accept the results. According to this declaration, both candidates agreed to publicly appear and...