ACT Project Mission

The African Church Together Against Corruption Project (ACT) was a three-year project to mobilize Church leaders from Christian and Muslim communities to fight corruption and promote just governance in Cameroon, Liberia, and Ghana which ended in April 2022. The purpose of the ACT Project is to build a coalition of religious leaders and civil society groups by training them in contextual social analysis and advocacy (based on the Scriptures and Catholic Social Teaching) and empowering them to mobilize and tackle the widespread corruption in their communities. AFJN’s vision was to create a coalition of leaders who would be a powerful force for change, built from the ground up, to combat corruption at the local level. In light of Civil War and the COVID-19 Pandemic parts of the project needed to be adjusted to accommodate the changing environment.

ACT Focus Countries


Cameroon and Liberia (two countries that consistently score poorly on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index) were selected as pilot countries for the initial phase, while Ghana was a continuation of AFJN’s ongoing awareness and prevention efforts on land grabbing. The Church has been very vocal in addressing corruption in the public square. As a starting point, AFJN recognized the need to address corruption in the Church and her members (who operate within society). Since the Church serves as a model, it is important to notice “the wooden beam in [the Church’s] own eye” before noticing “the splinter in [another’s] eye” (Matthew 7:3-5). Therefore, in collaboration with the local dioceses and communities, AFJN set out to address corruption in Church-run social services (healthcare centers, schools, etc.) by facilitating the development of anti-corruption programs.

The ACT Project was funded by a major grant from the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities with matching contributions from: Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Holy Cross Sisters, Xaverian Missionaries, Missionaries of Africa, and Society of African Missions.

AFJN thanks our major funders and AFJN Organizational and Individual Members for your prayers and support throughout the ACT Project.

In the News: AFJN Senior Fellow Sane in

On October 10, 2024, Fr. Barwendé Sané, SJ, Africa Faith and Justice Network Senior Fellow was quoted in Oumarou Konate's article "Burkina: Father Barwendé Sané relies on agriculture to restore peace" in on the recent workshop on...

In the News: AFJN Senior Fellow Sane in
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Peace First Concert in Goma/DR Congo

On June 19, 2024, AFJN partnered with Aimable Mugisha and his music band, Amahoro Youth (Youth for Peace), to promote peaceful coexistence, unity and diversity while celebrating the 15th anniversary of this traditional Hutu tribe music band. AFJN...

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Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2024 Spring Summit

The Leadership Team of EAD has chosen a two-part path forward and we are excited to invite you to support and walk with us. Those two components of our work throughout 2024 will include focusing our attention on a strategic planning process to...

Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2024 Spring Summit
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AFJN Exe. Dir. Rogers on Straight Talk Africa

On February 28, 2024 AFJN Executive Director Dr. Steven Nabieu Rogers was featured on "Why Does Russia Need Africa?" Straight Talk Africa. Watch the segment below (starting at 10:34) or here:

AFJN Exe. Dir. Rogers on Straight Talk Africa
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AFJN Exe. Dir. Interviewed on Go Forth Podcast

On January 4, 2024, AFJN Executive Director Dr. Steven Nabieu Rogers was interviewed on Go Forth, a podcast by the U.S. Catholic Mission Association. Dr. Rogers spoke of the mission and work of AFJN and the importance and relevance of the Catholic...

AFJN Exe. Dir. Interviewed on Go Forth Podcast
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AFJN eBulletin | December 2023

Download link here: If you would like additional information about AFJN's mission or work, please contact us.

AFJN eBulletin | December 2023
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AFJN Land Grabbing Advocacy Featured in My Joy Online

On September 5, 2023, My Joy Online published, "Some multinational firms engaged in land grabbing in Ghana under the guise of investment – NGO sounds alarm", an article discussing the recent land grabbing advocacy awareness program AFJN held in...

AFJN Land Grabbing Advocacy Featured in My Joy Online
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National Gathering & Lobby Day

Join the Africa Faith and Justice Network at Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2023: Swords into Plowshares: Achieving Enough for All & Pursuing Peace, on April 25-27, for a virtual conference to worship, educate, and advocate for the innovative and...

National Gathering & Lobby Day
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Crisis in the Congo: Voices From The Frontlines

Join the Africa Faith and Justice Network and Friends of the Congo for "Crisis in the Congo: Voices from the Frontlines" with Justine Masika and Pascal Mugaruka, recently arrived in Washington, DC from Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo...

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AFJN Women Leaders Changing Structures of Oppression

Sr. Maria Colonata welcoming during Africa Faith and Justice Network Sponsored Training on Advocacy / Uganda Sr. Ignatia and Sr. Catherine in Atebubu/Ghana talking to the Community about the threat of Ago-colonialism and the importance educating...

AFJN Women Leaders Changing Structures of Oppression
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Maintaining the People’s Sovereignty Over Seeds

Since 2014, Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) has been educating Ghanaians about the dangers of agro-colonialism, a new form of colonization by foreign multinationals and agents of non-African countries who are taking over Africa’s...

Maintaining the People’s Sovereignty Over Seeds
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