Update on the Somalia Situation

The military and humanitarian situation in Somalia worsened over the weekend, primarily due to the actions of the Union of Islamic Courts. Reconciliation now seems even more unlikely. But is there hope? The situation in Somalia turned even bleaker on Saturday as...

Another War on Your Watch?

Archbishop Francois-Xavier Maroy of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, in a recent letter to the French ambassador, raised the alarm on what he deemed to be an imminent return to war in the East of Congo. Here, Jacques Bahati, AFJN intern originally from the DRC,...

Congo Coalition Holds Successful Congress in Belgium

The first major project of Congo Global Action (CGA)took place from March 20 -22 in Brussels. CGA members in Brussels organized the conference entitled – Congo: After the elections, next steps? The International Rescue Committee (IRC) was the main host, with support...

Congo’s Struggle for Water

Anne Vickers, AFJN intern 2007   “When the poor and needy seek water, I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.” Isaiah 41:17-18...

Congolese Archbishop Sounds the Alarm

  Archbishop Francois-Xavier Maroy of Bukavu, in eastern D.R. Congo, in a May 28th letter to the visiting French ambassador sounded the alarm concerning the developing dangers for the people of the Bukavu region. In the letter, which follows, the archbishop...

Friday, June 20 is World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day has been internationally recognized on June 20 ever since it was established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 2001. It serves as an opportunity to learn about and reflect upon the growing scale and complexity of the...