Take Action! Stop Rent Increases During Covid-19

On May 8, 2020 the Africa Faith and Justice Network sent a letter to Congress asking for a moratorium on rental increases since tenants are not able to shop around for affordable housing due to stay-at-home orders. Read more here. Join AFJN and email your federal and...

Letter to Congress: COVID-19 Moratorium on Rents Increase

On May 8, 2020 the Africa Faith and Justice Network sent a letter to Congress asking for a moratorium on rental increases due to the economic burdens caused by COVID-19. In the letter, AFJN notes that the Stay-at-Home orders prevent tenants from being able to locate...

Africa Not Prepared to Respond to Coronavirus Pandemic

These are extraordinary times for humanity due to the historic global spread of the coronavirus. In Africa, health experts predict that the situation will get worse should containment measures put in place fail. Former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is among...