The Current Situation on IDPs in Africa

In Africa, more than 13 million people are currently on the run in their own countries. We at Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) refuse to stand by and let this crisis remain silent much longer. Despite the obvious link between internal displacement and refugee...

Africa: The Continent with the Most IDPs in the World

Africa was the continent hardest hit by internal displacement in 2016. Conflict and violence displaced more people in Sub-Saharan Africa than in the Middle East, according to a report released by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) and the Norwegian...

Changing Perceptions of Africa, One Photo at a Time

The Instagram account Everyday Africa is made up of photos and captions that work to dispel the common idea of Africa as simply a poor, war-torn, underdeveloped continent. While acknowledging that conflict and poverty are an undeniable reality in parts of Africa, the...

Kicking a Goal for Inclusivity

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda left the country deeply divided and hopeless. In an effort to re-establish a sense of community and restore hope, Felicite Rwemarika formed a women’s soccer team. Megan Specia, a New York Times reporter, highlights these soccer teams in her...

Welcome to our Summer Intern, Madison Stewart

Madison Stewart is a rising senior at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania where she majors in political science with a minor in public administration. Madison has spent much of her academic career researching the effects of ethnic groups and ethnic political parties...

Listening to Heal a Nation

The Benebikira Sisters, the oldest indigenous congregation in Rwanda, have a number of nuns in their community referred to as “Sister Listeners.” Their job is simply to listen – to listen in order to help the country heal following the 1994 genocide. Sr. Marie...

Welcome to our Summer Intern, Jamie Vieson

Jamie Vieson is a senior at the University of Dayton, where she is double majoring in Human Rights Studies and Philosophy. She is also pursuing minors in Political Science and Women and Gender Studies. Through her studies, Jamie has developed a passion for human...

Welcome to Our Summer Intern, Yashi Gunawardena

Yashi Gunawardena is a junior at Davidson College, where she is majoring in Political Science and minoring in Economics and History. Yashi is interested in US foreign policy in African and Middle Eastern nations. Working as a tutor for Syrian girls has made her...