Zimbabwe Students Attend AFJN Meetings

The April 22, 2010 article “US JPIC Committee, Oblate Students Attend JPIC, VIVAT and AFJN Meetings in Washington” in OMI USA JPIC notes that Zimbabwe Students attended AFJN meeting. Read more here: https://omiusajpic.org/topics/afjn/

AFJN Calls for Human Rights and Fair Elections in Rwanda

On March 12, 2010, Ann Garrison noted that the Africa Faith and Justice Network was one of many organizations calling “for human rights, an end to attacks on political opposition, and a free and fair presidential campaign and election” in her article...

World Food Day: A Time to Listen

October 16 is World Food Day at the UN, and this year focus is how to achieve food security in times of crisis. This is a timely topic on the heels of last year’s food price crisis, the recent financial crisis, and the ongoing and accelerating climate crisis –...

AFJN Press Release in Crop Choice

On October 10, 2002, the Africa Faith and Justice Network published a press release “Faith, justice groups denounce imposition of GM food aid on Africa” in Crop Choice. Read the full release here:...