Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006

The violence in Darfur has received significant attention from humanitarian and advocacy groups around the world. Unfortunately, the United States government has stayed largely removed from the conflict, allowing genocide to continue without immediate and urgent...

How You Can Help Advocate for a Peaceful Congo

The best way to receive timely updates and alerts about how to be most effective in advocating for a better future for the people of the Congo is to sign up for our eNetwork at the right of the page. But here are some other ideas: Write an editorial to your local...

Hope for a Unified Somalia

In early June of 2006, Islamic militants stormed Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu–site of the 1993 killings of 18 American marines, captured in the movie Black Hawk Down–and wrested control from several allied warlord militias. The U.S....

Congo Action Plan

Democratic Republic of the Congo is roughly the size of Western Europe. It’s establishment of a peaceful future is critical for the stability of the entire region. It’s difficult past leaves nothing but the hope for better days for Congolese people. To be...

HIV/AIDS Policy to Protect Life

AFJN works with faith-based and other organizations to bring a comprehensive understanding of the devastation of HIV/AIDS in impoverished countries in Africa. U.S. leaders need to be encouraged to address all aspects of the problem and implement policy to effectively...

Day of the African Child

On June 16th, the world celebrated The Day of the African Child to commemorate student uprisings in Soweto, South Africa in 1976.  Demanding a better quality of education, thousands of black school children took to the streets in protest....