Press Release: The Africa Faith and Justice Network Urges Frank Discussions Ahead of Secretary Blinken’s Visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Washington, DC – The Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN), a Catholic 501(c)3 organization, sent a letter to US Secretary of State, Antony John Blinken, ahead of his visit to Africa where Secretary Blinken is expected to make a visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda. In the letter, AFJN urged Secretary Blinken to hold frank discussions on “Rwanda’s violations of DRC’s territorial integrity, bad governance in the DRC”, and the role of the UN peacekeepers in DRC.
Coalition Letters to Congressional Leadership – Support ENABLERS Act
As organizations that work to combat corruption and promote accountability in government, we write to express our strong support for the Establishing New Authorities for Businesses Laundering and Enabling Risks to Security (ENABLERS) Act as amended.
The ENABLERS Act represents a major, bipartisan opportunity to close the loopholes in U.S. law that are allowing corrupt foreign leaders to finance military aggression and repressive, undemocratic regimes by stealing money from their people and hiding that money in the United States.
A Campaign Against Drug Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Early Marriage in Jos, Nigeria
Led by AFJN-Nigeria and AFJN Youth, the religious women with the trained youth, and in partnership with the government agencies, took to the streets, markets, community centers educating the populations. A week before the campaign the participating youths were educated on these issues.
Invitation Sign on (à Signer): Letter to Pope Francis/ Lettre au Pape François Avant son voyage Reportée en Afrique en Juillet #2
Votre Sainteté, nous vous prions de mentionner ces problèmes dans votre message aux citoyens des pays hôtes, aux dirigeants politiques africains et à toutes les personnes de bonne volonté dans le monde. Faites savoir aux personnes affectées que nous ne sommes pas indifférents à leur souffrance et que nous ne souhaitons pas être complices par notre silence.
Condemnation of the Terrorist Attack Targeting Christian Churches in Nigeria
As we mourn our loved ones, we want those who committed this atrocity to know that no force can stand against freedom to practice any religion and other gains we as Nigerians have had during the last decade in beginning to awaken to our need to live without intimidation by any group.
Invitation Sign on (à Signer): Letter to Pope Francis/ Lettre au Pape François Avant son voyage Reportée en Afrique
Votre Sainteté, nous vous prions de mentionner ces problèmes dans votre message aux citoyens des pays hôtes, aux dirigeants politiques africains et à toutes les personnes de bonne volonté dans le monde. Faites savoir aux personnes affectées que nous ne sommes pas indifférents à leur souffrance et que nous ne souhaitons pas être complices par notre silence.
Press Statement on Owo town, Nigeria Church Massacre
Washington, DC – On June 5, 2022, Pentecost Sunday, gunmen armed with explosives opened fire in St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Owo town killing at least 50 people and wounding many more. Ondo State is largely known as one of the more peaceful states in Nigeria. In response to the massacre, the Catholic Diocese of Ondo’s Directorate of Social Communications issued a press release calling for “peace and normalcy to return.”
Press Release and Communique: A Call to Join Hands to Tackle Drug Abuse, Ritual Killings, and Cultism in Nigeria and Fashion a Better Future with Our Youths
For Immediate...
Civil Society Organizations to IMF: Recycle and Issue New SDRs
We, the undersigned organizations, thank the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for issuing a historic $650 billion Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in August 2021 to respond to the unprecedented global economic crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic. The resources were a lifeline for developing countries.